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Juvenile Court Life Skills

Jumping right in after graduating as a Wisdom Keeper in 2021, Jeff Gorham has sourced expert speakers for the Juvenile Court Life Skills project. The project established a special three-day training program for ten juvenile offenders focused on building their life skills and knowledge.

Speakers delivered well-aimed and well-received talks to the teens on handling their personal financial responsibilities, the risks of vaping, and hygiene. Field visits included Lanier Tech’s vocational lab (a home run!), and a walking tour of Carroll Daniels’ downtown projects combined with a “lunch and learn” with some employees of similar backgrounds who are now successfully employed in the construction industry. Kings Hawaiian, the Georgia Department of Transportation, and a U.S. Army recruiter also provided information on possible work paths and inspiration on how to turn their lives around for a better future. 
A great measure of the program success was that the teens listened! The presenters were enthusiastic about being contacted and expressed willingness to support future sessions. Rodney Osborne, the Chief Probation Officer, said the program would not have happened without Wisdom Keeper help. They are already planning several sessions over the summer using the materials developed by the Wisdom Keeper project team. 

Congratulations to Wisdom Keeper Jeff Gorham (2021) and his team, Bob Byrne, Duane Hinshaw and Dick Osborne, for successfully completing the Juvenile Court Life Skills project! 


“The program would not have happened without Wisdom Keeper help. We are already planning several sessions over the summer using the materials developed by the Wisdom Keeper project team.”  

Rodney Osborne, the Chief Probation Officer